Friday, July 21, 2006

Maggie's Wedding

It struck me the other day that for someone who was so anxious to be finished with school (all those years ago) I sure get excited about going to photography workshops.

The beauty of digital photography is that the post production editing potential is almost without limit.

I will be attending two workshops this year sponsored by the Professional Photographers of NC association. I don’t care how proficient a photographer is using Photoshop and Painter, there is always a new technique or an artistic point of view to be explored. This keeps my ideas fresh and keeps me excited about what new features we can offer our clients.

We have a nice wedding tomorrow. We meet with this bride in 2005 to book her wedding. Then this Spring we had a great bridal session at Duke Gardens with her mom & younger sister along for the fun. Then we followed up with reviewing her bridal proofs and then our pre-wedding conference with both the bride & groom. No wonder we know her so well by now! I’ll post a couple of images next week!

Have a great weekend!