Thursday, April 26, 2007

We made the move to Durham!

Mark Jacoby Wedding Photography
at Jim Shaw Studios

Specifically 2613 West Carver Street (Carver Street at Guess Road) - just ½ mile off of I-85.

We are fortunate to be at Jim Shaw Studios. Jim is one of the most respected photographers in the area and we will instantly have more to offer our clients in the way of expanded services and products. Just wait until you see his family and child portraits!

Come see us. We are as always open by appointment. Give Anne a call!

OK, why make the move from Raleigh to Durham? Several reasons but most important is that Durham is central to our Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill client base and is close to Duke Gardens.

Meanwhile, we have weddings, engagement and bridal sessions to shoot over the next couple of weeks. We are into the big wedding season and are happily busy. We are also taking bookings for 2008.

Thanks for your continued interest and support!