Monday, September 15, 2008

Tess - 2008 Bride

It's been busy around here for the past couple weeks. In addition to putting some final touches on the new studio, we photographed a Bar Mitzvah and a number of weddings.

We also had a booth at the Perfect Wedding Guide bridal show on Sunday. Lots and lots of brides and a good number of grooms willing to miss football games. Mark acted as the official photographer so he had double duty all afternoon.


You never know what you will find when you are moving. Back in 2007 we drew up a business plan and I came upon it the other day. I thought I would share some of it because it helps show what type of studio we work hard to be. Here is some of it:


There is any number of studios who can do a very good job.

There is limited number of studios who can do an outstanding job.

Our challenge is to establish our place among the elite studios.

Our Sales Approach:

Our task is to convince the B&G that we can produce outstanding products and that they will be happier using us than another studio and more pleased with the results.

1. Inspiring trust by being professional, competent and dependable
2. Showing relevant and excellent sample work.
3. Stressing our personal level of customer service
4. Being truly interested in their ideas, plans, needs and concerns.
5. Building an emotional bond with client.
6. Being open and honest regarding our abilities and what sets us apart
7. Being open and honest regarding our services and pricing. No hidden costs.
8. Being positive and never negative regarding competing studios or photographers
9. Asking for client’s business without using high pressure tactics.