Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006

-Image from a November 25 Wedding in Hope Mills-
Things are winding down for 2006. Last night we did our last bridal session for the year and we will be closed now until after New Year's. Go head and call or e-mail if you need us since we are never away from the office very long!
Our 2007 prices have been published on our website but don't worry, if you've already booked then you are price protected at 2006 prices.
While we need to raise our prices we decided not to do so without adding some extra value to our package. All new bookings from now on will include an engagement session. We consider this time well spent so we all get to know each other and you get some nice keepsake photos from this exciting period of your relationship.
We hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you through the lens in 2007.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006

Hudson Manor, Louisburg NC
They say timing is everything. For example 18 years ago I had been single for a long time and had given up on romance when a blind date turned into a happy marriage. I wasn’t looking for a wife but I sure found one!
Sometimes at weddings we are not looking for a certain shot but try to be quick enough to spot one as it happens. Maybe it’s a skill or maybe its just dumb luck. I prefer to think that it is a matter of having done this long enough to be aware of what might happen and to capture it before it slips away.
Take this image as an example. We had just completed taking the formals and had sent the wedding party ahead to the reception. We typically spend a few minutes with the B&G for some intimate poses and so as the sun was getting low we were following the couple when they stepped into the sunlight. I yelled something super-intelligent like “Freeze!” and they did. Click.
No weddings this weekend so Mark is headed to South Carolina for a Christmas visit with his family and Anne’s household will have a big birthday party to celebrate.