Thursday, May 07, 2009

Since we are not Bill and Melinda Gates we don't have truckloads of cash to give to the community but we try to do little things. We bought uniforms for a girls softball team and will have fun following their progress throughout the season. We are happy to do this and we thought we would get some advertising from having our name on the uniforms. However we didn't count on the girls ponytails covering up our logo! Oh well, at least the parents will see it on laundry day.

By the way today's News & Observer has a front page article reporting how brides are cutting wedding expenses. I was happy no mention was made of skipping a professional photographer. We know that times are tough and jobs are uncertain so we have held our prices at the 2008 rates. We are also more attune to the need to be flexible when discussing packages with our clients. We can't help you with the cost of food or flowers but we can hold down the cost of your photos.

Whne planning your wedding please give us a call or visit our studio!