Friday, June 15, 2007

From a Bridal Session at Duke Gardens

Once again Mark is headed to the mountains leaving Anne to work. Hardly sounds fair does it? Well is is father's day weekend after all!

We were talking the other day about some of the interesting weddings we have done lately and some which we have on the calendar later this year. We shot a wedding at an upscale horse farm last month which was a lot of fun and are looking forward to a wedding at the end of June on an island in Lake Gaston.

It doesn't really matter where the wedding is because they are all exciting and special.

Enjoy the weekend and take some time off from your wedding plans.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Hello Everyone!

We are all back from a short vacation and jumped right back into a busy wedding weekend.

I'll post some pics and write more in the next couple of days. Check back soon.